Flexible Scheduling
Choose how, when, and how often you want your backups to run. Flexible scheduling is a
powerful tool to help you decide which backup strategy is right for your business.
Every few minutes
By default, your files will be backed up automatically after a period of inactivity on your
computer. The factory setting is 5 minutes, but you can set this period to anything you like
from the Options dialog.
At a preset time of the day
This is the setting used by most businesses. Run your backups at a predetermined hour of the day,
typically in the evenings on selected days after the business closes for the day.
There may be ocassions when you elect to start your backups manually, for whatever reason. Simply
click on the "Backup Now" button on the main page of the application to launch a backup operation.
We do not recommend this setting, but provide it for those rare ocassions when it may be necessary
to prevent automatic backups.
Every few hours
You can choose to run your backup every hour, or every few hours. This strategy is popular with
clients with databases which change often during the course of the day, or where other types of
data are being added constantly to a storage device.